上周六搜航网(sofreight.com)报道了阳明澳洲线发明轮 (YM Efficiency) 集装箱落海的事故,近日阳明就海运货柜落海意外给出了说明,望广大外贸货代人船公司了解并广而告之。
阳明海运发明轮 (YM Efficiency) 自高雄港开往澳洲悉尼港途中,在6月1日凌晨于悉尼港外海遭不规则涌浪冲击,造成总共83个货柜落海,26个货柜倒塌变形,经查,落海货柜中并无危险品及海洋污染物质,且船身则并无严重损害。发明轮遭遇海浪冲击后,船长立即向澳洲AMSA (Australian Maritime Safety Authority) 通报,阳明海运也随即成立紧急应变小组掌握事情发展及处理此一突发事件。发明轮本航次实际装载3307 TEU,落海的货柜中主要包含阳明海运34个货柜,长荣海运21个货柜及东方海外的5个货柜。
Yang Ming's statement regarding the containers fall off YM Efficiency
YM Efficiency, one of Yang Ming fleet, announced incident of container overboard along Australia coast on 1400utc, May/31/2018, as the vessel encountered adverse weather en-routining from Kaohsiung to Sydney loaded with 3307 TEU onboard. A total of 83 containers were overboard, and 30 vans collapsed remaining on deck according to master’s report. There were neither DG cargo involved in the incident, nor Marine Pollutant. No vessel hull/engine damages as well.
The incident has been reported to Australian AMSA and Concerned parties. Yang Ming Headquarters has an emergency task force set up to deal with this incident immediately to monitor the development of the incident. Till this moment, everything is under master’s control, and vessel ‘s safety navigation has been well secured. She has already arrived out off Sydney port, however, due port closure under adverse weather, she is unable to be berthed now. YM is trying utmost to secure a berth for her a.s.a.p.
The relevant measures to unload those collapsed containers O/D, as well as damage repair for the deck fittings are also under arrangement. The customer involved will be informed in due course. The overboard containers will be salvaged/removed by Yang Ming .
Yang Ming will keep relevant parties being posted on any updates.